With the future of our global climate becoming a greater concern, many people are taking measures to reduce their energy usage. In some cases, you can create energy savings by investing money in insulation, sealing air leaks, and repairing your windows instead of replacing them. If your windows are more than twenty years old, though, you may be better off going through with window replacement. Instead of putting up with a cold draft, windows that stick when you try opening them, and higher energy bills, you can counter these effects with new double glazed timber or alu-clad windows. In some cases, with high efficiency windows, you can save up to 15% a year on your energy bill.

Energy-efficient windows can create a great improvement for your home, both in energy efficiency and in resale value, but replacement is also a large investment and it is one to take seriously. If you are weighing the options, consider that window replacement is one of the most beneficial home re-modelling projects in terms of your return on investment. In many cases, you can recover the majority of the project cost in added home value, as well as the savings on your annual utility bills.

The scope of energy-efficient window pricing is wide, but typically, the windows at the lower end of your price range are usually less energy efficient. If you have recently decided that your windows definitely need replacing, contact Rationel the window replacement experts to help you spend your money wisely.