The traditional way of building a room is by having four connected and perpendicular walls. And the traditional way of inserting a window is cutting it into the wall, so that you can enjoy air, natural light and scenery. One modern way to do this is by designing rooms to float one into another, by removing the corners and the perpendicular walls, thus obtaining the corner windows.

Among the advantages of this type of windows is that they offer a flat view of the scenery, transforming it into a large vivid view. With glass replacing the corner, the walls seem like they don’t exist. Of course, there is the option to have a window with a mullion to hold the corner, but look at the effect of a cornerless view in the gallery on the left. Very often, these windows are designed keeping in mind that interiors are more important than exteriors. Usually modern houses that are built with corner and ribbon windows are not that spectacular on the exterior as they are on the inside. But once you see the views, its likely you won’t mind too much how plain your house might look from the outside.

Corner windows come with or without corner post, and there are a few options that you can choose from. You can opt either for single butt-glazed units whose corners will be united with black or clear silicone, for double glazed windows, mitred and caulked with black or clean silicone, or for 90 degrees mulled corner units.

While theses option are normally selected when used in a beautiful landscape, the interior decor can make use of the scenery in different ways. You can use the corner windows as surrounding decor for a sitting area, to install a desk in front of them, just so that you can rest your eyes on a beautiful view.

There is no rule that dictates the place where a corner windows should be installed. It can be placed anywhere in your house because all rooms could benefit from a gorgeous view and a lot of light.